The healthcare infrastructure specialist

Chelsea Parkes

Senior Consultant

Asset 1
Asset 3


  • Midlands


  • Strategic advisory

Chelsea has more than 7 years’ experience working within the healthcare sector. Previously working within an architectural firm and having a degree in architectural technology means she has a clear understanding of how healthcare buildings function.

At Archus my role involves...

Being a part of the strategic advisory team within the Midlands office, I focus on healthcare planning. Some of my key roles include adjacency and strategic planning and the production of Schedules of Accommodation, diagrams and layouts.

I was drawn to healthcare by...

My fascination with healthcare design, being a part of the process that helps bring together best practice healthcare and good design is something that I feel passionate about.

Memorable career moment?

Being involved in something that everybody needs is extremely rewarding – I love to see projects I have worked on being built knowing I had a small part in making the staff and patients happy.

Why Archus?

Archus is perfect for anyone who is passionate about making a difference to our healthcare system. Not only that, the company allows every voice to be heard and truly cares about everyone’s personal development and career.

Most significant trend for healthcare in the future?

The ever-growing demand for treatment caused by the ageing population is increasing the strain for healthcare services and its resources. Being able to keep up with rising demand is key to most projects right now, whilst still ensuring every patient receives the best care on offer and staff are well looked after.