The healthcare infrastructure specialist
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The climate emergency is a health emergency

Review Green Plan progress, leverage further improvements and maximise your contributions towards a Greener NHS.

A wide ranging and thorough Green Plan Review and Assurance Report service

The detailed review will give a baseline heatmap of how your current Green Plan measures up against best practice across multiple indicators including:

  • Vision and ambition
  • NHSE alignment
  • Ownership
  • Baseline policy
  • Action plan
  • SMART targets
  • Education
  • Funding
  • Strategy and Roadmap

Alongside a summary dashboard with supporting detailed feedback, we will highlight key areas of opportunity for improvement, enabling you to benchmark your plans and performance against other healthcare providers and learn from best practice in each review area.

Leading experts in healthcare sustainability and decarbonisation

This service is provided in partnership by Archus and Square Gain; leading experts in sustainability and decarbonisation in healthcare and co-authors of NHS England’s Net Zero Carbon Building Standard (published March 2023) the associated toolkit and training suite. Together we have extensive experience in working with NHS Trusts and Health Boards to lead and support implementation of effective Green Plans and Decarbonisation Strategies.

Complementary support to support your sustainability and net zero ambitions can also be tailored to your needs, and may include:

  • Assistance with decarbonisation
  • Procurement and supply-chain management
  • Training
  • Project-specific Net Zero Carbon Coordinator services

For more information or to discuss how we could assist you, start a conversation with our Head of Technical Advisory, Chris Turner.